The Kindness Bus, photo courtesy of One Million Acts of Kindness Facebook Page
As the founder of One Million Acts of Kindness, Bob Votruba encourages children, teens, and young adults to take a kinder approach to life and make it their goal to commit one million good deeds throughout their lifetimes! Bob’s focus is spread kindness, empathy, and generosity and instill these values into the next generation which he lovingly refers to as "The Kindness Generation."
Bob's message is a fantastic one that is much needed in our current social and political climate. He emphasizes the importance of helping others on a small scale in order to make a big impact. Bob's website states, "If each one of us, day by day, shared acts of kindness with those we know and those we don't would the world change?"
By encouraging individuals to participate in small acts of kindness, he has turned "making a difference" into a fun and attainable activity and not a daunting, impossible task. His focus on individual involvement within a movement makes it easy to participate in and encourages people to take the plunge by volunteering their time.
This is the very message that Harmony Cafe seeks to spread through its "Pay it Forward" culture. By donating a little more than the suggested amount, you could make a difference in the life of someone unable to pay for their meal. There are countless ways to spread the message of love and compassion for members of the community and Bob's presence at Harmony Cafe's lunch event on Thursday, July 21st will certainly inspire others to join the One Million Acts of Kindness movement.
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